Today I brought my family to a Night Market located at Richmond, where almost 80% Chinese people living there. The night market start at 7p.m which I only got to know when we arrived there, there is this skinny Chinese guard telling all the people is gonna open at 7pm. So, we reach about 6.45 and my mum say we just wait till 7. I thought of going to the near by Ikea where there is Mid Night Madness open till 12am. Summer Sale, I just love the summer here. Cant wait to go to the beach.
Here we come to destroy the night market. Look behind us everyone is running away. lol
While walking I saw this Chinese actor from Hong Kong I think, he acted in some movie which is Kung Fu Ma Jong and mostly TVB Drama. However, I was not quite sure about it. So, I ask brother to walk infront of him and take a look. LoL~ And I ws right, it is him. In the end, my mum call my brother to ask for a picture with him. I'm too old for this stuff, I don really care. haha. At last my brother took a pic with him, then people start taking picture with him. lol and he left after that.
Look how happy my brother is. XD
The night market here is kinda same like Malaysia, but no wet stuff like fish, vege those stuff.
it's very expensive here, almost everything is selling 3 or 6 dollar a plate. like a dim sum 3 dollar for 4 piece. My reacting was like Wtf? so exp? i spend 20 dollar there buying junk food and I'm not even full. it's was my second time to this night market. Last time, i took the skytrain and the bus to reach there. It takes about an hour to go there man, phew~ Lucky I got my lovely Honda Civic with me now. The gas here is not cheap thou, I know Malaysia is going crazy about the gas. here too.
My Reacting to The Price.
Look at the price!! 1 piece for 2 dollar. gila siao~
awhhhh I'm getting fat, eating to much McDonald
After the night market, we were still hungry. I can't believe it, after all I spend we were still hungry. sigh all my money gone. My dad wanted eat some Chinese food again, and since we are at Richmond the Chinese place in Vancouver.
The End.